Cross Network Television

The Moment of Decision – Pastor Touré Roberts

Message: “The Moment of Decision” | Speaker: Pastor Touré Roberts | Date: Jan. 5, 2025

A new year gives us the opportunity to examine our posture before the Lord. As we enter an unprecedented spiritual season of reflection, rededication, renewal, and revival, we must be ready to pivot and flow with the move of God. Joshua 24 uncovers powerful insights about the necessary mindset and spiritual posture. God calls us to dedicate ourselves to time in His presence, and this critical moment of decision requires us to embrace a higher standard of thinking and living. Greatness is costly. Yet, if we walk through the door of commitment, consecration, prayer, and sacrifice, we can break through to our most fruitful year yet!

Scripture: Joshua 24:1-15, 24-28 (NKJV)


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